A Man, A Plan, Sustainability
What: Public Meeting to Review Sustainable Santa Fe Plan
Where: Southside Library Community Room, 6599 Jaguar Drive, Santa Fe, NM 87505
When: Saturday, February 16th, 2008, 12 Noon to 4 p.m.
What is the Sustainable Santa Fe Plan? You can find out at the Southside Library on February 16th when the Draft Plan will presented to the public. In short, the Sustainable Santa Fe Plan is the framework by which Santa Fe intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 7% below 1990 levels by 2012 per the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement.
In more bureaucratic phrasing, the Sustainable Santa Fe Plan “shall include, but not be limited to, climate change, energy efficiency, building code and construction standards, carbon emission reduction efforts striving towards being a carbon neutral city, water reuse and conservation, urban agriculture, ecological restoration, and the establishment of city wide environmental sustainability standards.”
I am encouraged to hear that Santa Fe, among other cities, is taking steps towards becoming a carbon neutral community. While I am a great believer in the ability of individuals to affect change in their community it's even better to have the community on board. Other New Mexico cities that have signed on to the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement include Alamogordo, Albuquerque, Capitan, Las Cruces, Ruidoso, and Taos. Nationwide there are over 790 cities that have joined the Climate Protection Agreement. Hopefully, this level of community support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions will soon translate into support at the national level.
If you are not able to get over to the Southside Library on February 16 to see the Sustainable Santa Fe Plan in person, the plan is available online HERE.
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