Global Energy: from Potential to Kinetic
What: Global New Energy Summit 2010
When: Sunday, March 21 through Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Where: Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino (15 miles north of Santa Fe)
In high-school physics class I was interested in energy because of its possibilities. I thought the transformation of potential energy into movement (kinetic energy) was simultaneously simple and profound. Putting my philosophical musings aside, the Global New Energy Summit explores energy in a more practical fashion. The GNES is for people who want to know the current state of energy production and where it is moving in the future. If energy is your field then take some time off work to see how the world of power is changing (if you'll excuse the bad physics pun).
The Rocky Mountain Technology Alliance presents the second annual Global New Energy Summit. This summit showcases the latest innovation and applications in nuclear, smart grid, transmission, oil & gas, solar, wind, coal, storage and bio-fuels, along with new energy finance and policy experts. With a focus on strategic thinking and long-term perspectives, this event is based in Santa Fe to inspire new ideas between cross discipline participants and attendees, resulting in a greater understanding of the issues in the context of a global perspective.
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