Santa Fe Farmer's Market & Railyard Park Opening

Santa Fe Farmer's Market New Building 2008

What: Santa Fe Railyard Grand Opening
When: September 13 & 14, 2008
Where: The Railyard - Santa Fe, NM (Google Map below)

The Santa Fe Farmer's Market is up and running in their new and permanent home in the Santa Fe Railyard. After 40 years of moving from location to location The Santa Fe Farmer's Market has a year-round location and an 80-year lease. September 6th was the first weekend market in the new building and it was packed! This weekend September 13 & 14, 2008 is the official Grand Opening for the new Santa Fe Railyard Park and some of the new businesses in the Railyard.

Come out with friends and family to explore the revamped and replanted 10 acre Railyard Park, the Santa Fe Farmer's Market, Warehouse 21, El Museo Cultural and SITE Santa Fe. Among these great Santa Fe organizations there will be two full days of Grand Opening Events in the Railyard. If at all possible you should walk, ride your bike or take the bus as the Grand Opening will be packed as people explore the Santa Fe Railyard.

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More Info:

Santa Fe Farmer's Market

Railyard Grand Opening

Railyard Grand Opening - Schedule of Events

Santa Fe Railyard Community Corporation