Rebirth of the White House Garden
Not since WWII has the White House had a vegetable garden. Once again, a Victory Garden will grow at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. For those of us who love fresh, organic, home-grown fruits and veggies it is great to see a kindred spirit in the President of the United States. Today, the First Lady, Michelle Obama and students from Washington's Bancroft Elementary School broke ground on the South Lawn for a new White House garden. The students will work in the garden as it grows, producing organic vegetables to be cooked in the White House Kitchen and given to Miriam's Kitchen, which serves the homeless in Washington, DC.
I like to know that the Obama kids will be eating food that they helped to grow in the Nation's front yard. Of course, if the Obamas can grow an organic garden then so can we (even if our's is a bit smaller). If you haven't planned your garden, then the first day of spring is a great day to start. So, dig in and start gardening!
More Info:
The White House Blog - Spring Gardening
NYTimes - Obamas to Plant Vegetable Garden at White House